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WhatsApp Image 2019-02-14 at 5.43.09 AM.

Plush Flush


A 3D narrative platformer where a girl turns into a stuffed bear and goes on a magical adventure in Plush World.


In this project, I worked mainly on the camera and cut scenes of the game play. This was a new challenge as it was my first time working on a 3D game camera. Firstly the implementation of the camera component of the engine was the first hurdle that was faced. The initial implementation of the camera was done in Euler angles, which made us realize the problem of Gimble lock. Gimble lock occurs when axis of the three gimbals gets locked in a parallel state hence decreasing the three dimensional space into two. This was an error that was seen especially on the editor camera and it would have been a hassle especially for the designers using the engine. After researching on multiple methods as well as getting advice from team members the decision was made to implement the camera in spherical coordinates. 


The first level is like a tutorial level where players learn how to utilize the controls and get to know who our character is. This level consist of mostly a stationary camera that would change according to where you are on the map. This was an interesting camera to make as this level is linear. The linear level would mean that we had to block off inaccessible areas at the correct timing. This camera angle meant that we had to implement multiple block zones where players will not be able to access. The block zones were crucial to ensure that there were also no soft locks


With the experience on implement cut scenes that follows an order, the best implementation would be state machines to hold the states that it is in. The cut scenes were done on run-time as the player is going through the game. This allows us to ensure that there is continuity in the current version that the player is playing from. This meant that any customization or changes that the players made to the scene or the characters would be reflected. Although for this game,Features and functions were made to ensure that designers were able to lerp the camera seamlessly from one state to another or even to transit smoothly. Since the cut scene was done in run-time, there were a lot of play test session to ensure that the elements introduced in the cut scene does not affect any game play.


I only used a single camera throughout the entire process, I feel that I would be able to make the process more seamless by using multiple cameras. 


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